
who you've always been

I heard something today on a podcast that really resonated with me, and encompasses a lot that I am feeling and unable to put words to.

“You’re already born as your higher self. Any type of evolution is coming back to who you’ve always been.”

I have been taking a break from social media after a certain political event that I just really don’t want to be reminded of every time I log on. I’ve logged out of my Instagram account, and deactivated my Facebook for the time being. This has resulted in more time to listen to myself instead of be distracted by the never ending scroll of the feed. As it turns out, this scrolling was only feeding my anxiety, causing me to compare myself to people online, and generally waste a lot of time and energy. My time. My energy. My most valuable currencies.

With this break from social media, my mental clarity is beginning to return, and I am able to hear my own thoughts and feelings again. A revelation and lesson that I have learned over and over again. Cut the noise. Be still. Feel. Listen. I’m beginning to return to myself, and I am excited to start a new evolution in this life. I have no idea what it is going to look like, but I do know that I will be listening more to my intuition and less to outside forces. I am excited to work towards moving back to who I have always been.


Hannah Swift
return to seeking

there has to be more than this rat race, 9-to-5 life. i believe there is joy to be found in work and service, but at what cost.

i used to pray for wisdom and patience. now, all i pray for is the end of the work day so that i can escape the four walls where i trade my time for money.

i want to return to seeking:

Hannah Swift

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?




India. What can I say . . . my mind wanders to thoughts of India more often than I realize. What is it about this country, why is it so intoxicating? Its vastnesses, people, food, culture, chaos, and diversity are enough to send you into an overwhelmed state of sensory overload, but I always leave wanting more. With each visit, I realize I know less about India than I previously thought. There is so much more to discover about this ancient place, caught between traditional values and an ever forward moving world. There is so much more that is has to teach me.

Hannah Swift

It was a cool October morning when we touched down in Leh, the capitol of a region called Ladakh in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, India. We had been traveling for about 30 hours and had just spent the night in the Delhi airport. We were happy to have finally arrived at our destination.

We deplaned right onto the tarmac and walked into crisp mountain air. Leh is at ~11,000ft above sea level and would take some getting used to, but the fresh air, although thin, was already an improvement from the smoggy conditions in Delhi. I hadn't slept much over the past day or so, but I was feeling hopeful that this trip would be one to remember.

Hannah Swift